2012年8月30日 星期四

AP 費用暫估 - Receipt Accrual Period-End 金額不正確或金額過小

a.    檢查上個月的 PO Period 是否已關閉,如果沒有請先關閉再重新執行費用暫估報表
b.    如果本月的 PO Period已關閉的話,請把它再打開再執行費用暫估報表,但這個月就會有重複的暫估資料存在,必需要把原先有問題的那一筆在當有作 reverse

   參考文件Duplicate accrual accounting entries created when period end program was run more than
once [ID 873394.1]  
If the Receipt Accrual Period-End program is run twice, and in between the period was closed and
re-opened :
     In this case duplicate entries do get created, because the period end POs which got accrued will have the flag in
po distributions, po_distributions_all.accrued_flag set to Y(資訊部人員在跑暫估報表時可以檢查是有有 Y的資料出現,如果有應該是不正常的). Once this period is closed, all these flags will
be reversed to N so as to make these POs eligible for accrual in the next period. 
     Now if the closed period is reopened and the period end program is re-submitted in the same period, the
POs  that were accrued in the first run, after the closing of the period will have the  accrued_flag changed to N,
hence these POs will be re-considered for accrual for the second run  again.

